Wellness Member Testimonials
The most rewarding part of our process is seeing our practice members gain true control of their lives and health–not just for themselves, but for their families, too! Our members share how their lives were affected through discovering hope in health so that they may inspire others to do the same for themselves.
“Being able to educate your other family members and your friends–that brings a joy to me… Just learning how to live a healthier life, learning and putting all that together I think is definitely worth it. Being able to sleep, being able to practice my mindfulness, being able to have a fairly frequent bowel movement–they may be little things, but they’re things that have helped me to where I am right now where I can actually share what I went through, where I was, and what this program has done for me… I’m glad I did it.” (via written testimonial)
“New Life’s program has been life changing for me! It’s not a diet, it’s not a get-fit-quick program, there’s no special pills or smoke and mirrors…it’s a lifestyle education investing in me and my health and I’m forever grateful! The program is designed very well and gave me all the tools I needed to learn about food and its preparation, how to safely detoxify my body, find the right physical exercise to benefit me, learn about the most beneficial vitamins and supplements for me, how to think about my health throughout my day and make good lifestyle choices, get the best sleep possible, what changes I can make to make my home and personal care to make my environment as healthy as possible and all the while, being supported by a professional and caring team at New Life throughout my journey. Benefits? WOW! I’ve lost 25 pounds in six months, I’m stronger and more balanced, I no longer take blood pressure medicine, my cholesterol is lower, I have no joint pain, less inflammation, smoother skin, greater energy, better mental clarity and increased stamina. I feel great and love learning and implementing new ways to improve my daily living. I am almost 60 years old and am confident my next 40 years will be filled with everything I’ve learned from the team at New Life Healthcare to stay healthy and active. The program, and their commitment to it, is amazing. Again, I am forever grateful.” (via written testimonial)
“My weight was about 250 lbs., my blood pressure was very heavy. I was about 154/67 and my glucose was way out of the stratosphere… Since then, I’ve lost 30 lbs., my blood glucose has gone down 75 points. I measure my success by three metrics—my weight, my blood pressure, and my blood sugar—since I’m a type 2 diabetic. The day after I started this, I noticed my blood sugar going down 10 points, and it kept going down throughout the whole diet to the point where I’ve lost 75 points, and that’s really pleasing… My blood pressure is down about 20 points, which it wasn’t bad to begin with, but that’s even gone down to around 112, and these are the things that I take my measurements every day. That alone makes it well worth it… This is different because I feel like I’ve learned something that I can carry forward and include in my life which I’ve already done. I’m feeling great… My A1C which had gone up to 6.7 was down to 6.1. Everything as far as the doctor can tell, everything is fantastic. It’s just I feel a whole lot better!” (via testimonial video)
“I’ve been on the program for two weeks. I am really excited, it’s unbelievable! In two weeks, I am just so empowered. Every day I look forward to everything that’s new, so I am excited… on top of everything, I was like, ‘You know what, I’m going to trust Dr. Tracy!’ The staff is just totally awesome! I’m so glad that I stopped and got on board!” (via video testimonial)
Steve Miller
“I think if we hadn’t started with Dr. Tracy, we would have spent a lot more in doctor bills. I think as we got older, we would have saw a lot more detrimental things happening to our health. That was a definite benefit for the both of us. That we don’t have to worry as much about, ‘Are we gonna be sick? Are we gonna need our kids to help us more? Are we going to spend more time doing hospital visits? Doctor visits? More medication?’ I think our quality of life has improved and I would say just overall, we have more energy. We get up early and get going, it’ not like we drag ourselves out of bed and don’t want to face the day. It’s like all right, let’s go! Today’s here, let’s go, let’s do it!” (via video testimonial)
“I had some issues with my blood sugar levels. My numbers were constantly high, and I needed the help to bring down my numbers… At the beginning of the program, my numbers were toward 200/210… I did not feel like doing much at all because I’m constantly worried about this, my numbers. Since completing the program, I am at between 90 and 110 which is very good. My blood sugar dropped… my energy level has boosted so much… This is a program you need to invest in. It is for your health, and as long as you want good health, New Life Healthcare. They are there to help!“ (via video testimonial)
“I just feel so energized, and from a person who has been almost a full lifetime of taking blood pressure medications–I have seen my blood pressure go way down and getting off the medication and really being free of that which has, you know, been something that I’ve been tethered to for a lifetime. I sleep better, I wake up in the morning refreshed… I finally feel like the future is in my hands. I’ve learned how to eat better. I’ve learned how to exercise better. I’ve learned how to take care of my sciatica issues… I feel like I have the learning, I have the experience, and most of all, I have the desire to want to live this lifestyle for the rest of my life.“ (via video testimonial)
“After I was pregnant, I started to feel a decline in my health, and I wasn’t sure why… Once I talked to Dr. Tracy on an individual level, that’s when I was like, ‘wow, this is different.’… As I started to do the program, I noticed my brain fog was lifting, my energy was coming back, I just was a happier person… Now that I know a better nutrition program for myself, it’s something I can teach my kids… Being able to do it from my house on my laptop has made it just easy!“ (via video testimonial)
“What I realized one day was that I needed to have a buddy… I had my little successes that I was able to share them with Dr. Tracy; and the promise that he made that they were going to be there for me 100% of the time really came true, and they really were there for me and were able to share in my success and give me the encouragement I needed when I needed it!“ (via video testimonial)
“I was feeling really tired all the time… I was out of control with sugar, and I knew there was no way I was ever going to lose weight if I continued on the path that I was on. It was a real downer–I was starting to feel depressed; and, now I’m no longer depressed–I’m out there doing stuff and enjoying my life again… It’s really improved my lifestyle!“ (via video testimonial)

“I just had my annual checkup with my physician. All my numbers from my blood work—she was extremely happy. She said, ‘I’ve never seen numbers (change) like this before, what have you been doing?’ So I told her, ‘I’m involved with Dr. Tracy and the program’, and she said, ‘You need to stay with it!’ My cholesterol was at 198; I’m now at 160. My sugar levels—I was pre-diabetic, I’m now .1 away from not being pre-diabetic.” (via video testimonial)
“I wanted to better my health, eat better, and just stabilize my sugar and get off of most medications… now my sugars are stable, I’m taking less insulin, and my exercise–I exercise five days a week!“ (via video testimonial)
“I feel great, when I get up in the morning I feel great, I have energy–I just am able to get a lot more done during the day which is good because I’m not wasting time sitting around feeling bad… I’ve learned so much about nutrition and about eating and taking care of myself and things that I should and should not be doing. I feel good about being able to become more active and just do things for myself and make myself feel better… I feel very positive about the future I feel like I have a lot to look forward to and I have more changes that I want to make. I’m not through yet!“ (via video testimonial)

Susan Tiller
“I have known and seen Dr. Tracy for almost three years – initially for low-back care. About 9 months ago, my wife Susan and I attended his presentation on total health through nutrition, healthy routines regarding routines and habits of exercise, food and product shopping. And perhaps most importantly, we were made aware of the many toxins and chemicals that are entering our body – unknowingly – everyday. At a time when I had gained weight, generally had low energy, stress, and an unhealthy wellbeing, we made the decision to enter the New Life program and many months later I can say that the results have been life changing.
Those results include weight loss, a greater appreciation of the foods we eat, and where to find the best of these foods. Through the program we were able to ‘purge’ our bodies of unhealthy foods and habits and then begin to introduce and re-introduce appropriate, healthy nutritional foods into our daily routine. More than that, we have learned about the balancing act of our hormones and how that effects our energy levels and our sleep patterns – something that was of high interest to my wife. We have also learned about the toxins in foods and products and how to be better shoppers of common household items.
Today, we are healthier and more energetic than we were before starting this program. Most importantly, we have “the tools” to maintain and continually improve our daily health environment. We highly recommend Dr. Tracy, Jackie, and the entire staff at New Life Healthcare.” (via written testimonial)
“I was doing this more to support my wife who joined the program as well. I felt that she needed this more than I did, but once I got into the throws of everything, I did recognize that I needed it probably just as much as she did; and that’s what turned my whole focus around…” (via video testimonial)
“I have arthritis. You don’t really want to live with it because it restricts what you can do and what you actually want to do… because the pain is not as severe as it used to be, I find myself doing more. I go to the gym now, and I find exercise actually helps a lot. I get around much easier… I do have a much better understanding, because of the program, of how our body works, what it does with the food that you eat, and how it influences the whole mechanism of your body.” (via video testimonial)
“I feel that I’ll be able to maintain the lifestyle that I have, and I have a better understanding on the proper foods to eat, the proper exercise, and the proper mental latitude; and I’ll be able to maintain my body weight and my lifestyle because I don’t want to change and go back to my old ways of inflammation and pain. This is inspiration to move forward. I can’t express enough how well I’ve been feeling.” (via video testimonial)
“I am very impressed with the services I have received at New Life Healthcare! Dr. Sean Tracy and his team are professional, competent and accessible. Their very thorough approach is the perfect balance of advanced chiropractic adjustments via sound waves, improved nutrition with high quality supplements, current health information delivered in a user-friendly format, and personalized coaching.
For the first time in years, I feel good and have regained the energy to exercise regularly. I have improved my nutrition and have lost 6 lbs. in just under 4 weeks. Having been a daily coffee drinker for 40 years, I was amazed that I was able to get off of caffeine easily due to having the correct nutrition. The last time I tried that, I had a headache for an entire month and finally gave up. This time, it was for only one day. Now I find myself craving healthy foods.
I finally realized that I could not, in fact, make significant life changes alone, and feel confident that my health is in good hands. I feel stronger every day. Dr. Tracy and I are excited about what I will feel like 6 months from now!” (via written testimonial)