Coronavirus, Immunity, and Health

The CORONAVIRUS outbreak has caused a lot of people to really evaluate their health and their immune system. Having a well-functioning immune system is the key to gaining control over your health and lifestyle. If you are sick all the time, then how can you possibly be healthy?

We know a lot of what is being discussed currently about the CORONAVIRUS is generating fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. We know that COVID-19 poses a greater threat to certain groups of the population with a compromised immune system. We know the conditions and activities that can comprise the immune system. We also know that you do not have to live in fear, but can choose to take specific action to improve your immune system today!

Here are some of the highest risk factors for having a compromised immune system which can put you at higher risk of experiencing a more severe case of COVID-19:

Here are some quick tips on how to start working on your immune system today:

  1. Make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep
  2. Stay hydrated
  3. Eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Manage your stress and work on controlling your anxiety

Immunity starts in the gut. Johns Hopkins Gastroenterologist Gerard Mullin claims the key to strong immunity is good gut health. It is vital to make sure your gut health is addressed when trying to boost the immune system.

Exercise is not just for the body and heart, but it also increases your immunity. Physical activity helps flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways, increases antibodies and white blood cells to help fight off disease, increases body temperature to fight bad bugs, and produces stress-fighting hormones to support the immune system.

Taking control over your health reduces stress hormones. No one likes feeling vulnerable. Acute and chronic stress due to feeling out of control only exacerbates poor health by producing large amounts of stress hormones. In time, these hormones can weaken our immunity. Gaining the knowledge necessary to take back control of your health is the first step to turning these stress hormones off. Living in hope is, in itself, healing and a much better approach than living in fear and uncertainty.

What can you do today to take control over your health? You can start by making the decision to live with hope and courage rather than fear. This means taking action. Not sure exactly what to do? We at New Life Healthcare have a real passion and purpose to support you in any way we can. Here’s the caveat: It all begins with you! The CORONAVIRUS will eventually burn-out and most of us will survive. However, a similar situation will likely happen again in your lifetime. Life is too short and too precious to simply survive. Life is worth living and thriving at your full potential.